Eugene Peskin (eugenegp) wrote,
Eugene Peskin


банный день

«Двадцать пять лет тому назад ничто не было так популярно в Брабанте, как общественные бани: сегодня их уже нет – новая моровая болезнь научила нас обходиться без них».
Эразм Роттердамский, 1526 г.

(новая моровая болезнь в данном случае - сифилис.)

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September 5 2021, 06:53:03 UTC 3 years ago Edited:  September 5 2021, 06:53:27 UTC

  • New comment
Сначала подумал, что цитата фейковая — её много находится в русско- и англоязычных интернетах, везде с датировкой 1526 годом и везде без ссылки на конкретный труд Эразма. Покопался быстренько и нашёл-таки это место — оно оказалось в диалоге Diversoria, входящем в сборник Colloquia, первое издание которого вышло в 1518. В классическом английском переводе Бейли фраза звучит так: “And yet, within these five and twenty Years, nothing was more in Vogue in Brabant, than hot Baths, but now they are every where grown out of Use; but the new Scabbado has taught us to lay them down.” Слово scabbado действительно означает ЗППП вообще и может означать сифилис в частности.

Кусок диалога целиком звучит совсем как про ковид:

But in my Opinion, nothing is more dangerous, than for so many to draw in the same Vapour; especially when their Bodies are opened with the Heat; and to eat in the same Place, and to stay there so many Hours, not to mention the belching of Garlick, the Farting, the stinking Breaths, for many have secret Distempers, and every Distemper has its Contagion; and without doubt, many have the Spanish, or as it is call’d, the French Pox, although it is common to all Nations. And it is my Opinion, there is as much Danger from such Persons, as there is from those that have the Leprosy. Tell me now, what is this short of a Pestilence?

They are Persons of a strong Constitution, and laugh at, and disregard those Niceties.

But in the mean Time, they are bold at the Perils of other Men.

What would you do in this Case? ’Tis what they have been used to, and it is a Part of a constant Mind, not to depart from a Custom.

And yet, within these five and twenty Years, nothing was more in Vogue in Brabant, than hot Baths, but now they are every where grown out of Use; but the new Scabbado has taught us to lay them down.